Thursday, May 2, 2013

Lacking Motivation

So, I've been super lazy around my house lately really haven't been getting much done. But today I just told myself that I needed to get up and do what needs to be done. And I did. I didn't want to still and I really didn't have any energy but gotta do what ya gotta do.

Anyway, Yesterday I got my BzzAgent BzzKit which is for BEDHEAD hair product. I told my 3 year old that I will wait to try it out until she gets back from the grandparents' house. She was so excited when I opened it that I could hardly get it all checked out. She was like "is that my hair stuff? can you do my hair now?" I had to tell her to chill and I put it up because she was driving me crazy. So, tomorrow I will be playing baby doll with my 3 year old and dressing her up and doing her hair. We love it :)

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