Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Oh Wow

I just visited the BzzAgent Facebook page and people are just sad. Here is what I posted.

I've only had one campaign and I'm fine with that. I can't believe all these people complaining that they are not getting free stuff that they want. Everyone wants it. Just be glad you have or had a campaign at some point. If I don't get in on more campaigns I'm fine with that. It's just crazy to see grown ass people wining about "I wasn't Included" That's life. You win some you lose some.

I really think people should just get over it. It's a free site. If you don't fit the bill you won't get picked. Simple I know. But some people don't understand. It is a great site and they are there to help the companies find their customers. And if you are lucky they will pick you to review their products. I love BzzAgent. It is an easy site and they really don't ask much of you to have the chance to try a new product.

Honestly my 3 year old gets told no and she like "ugh" and then finds something else to do lol. So to see grown people act like this it really bothers me.

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